The exams are totally over!I still very afraid of my exam results.Pn.Iam say that the whole class didn't get A for english.I hope teacher was just joking.......if true this was my first time that my english didn't get an A.The exams some easy some hard,but what-so-ever-the holidays is coming.At first,we plan to go Sunway Laggoon with joanne and sue qing then because I am sick so My mum say cannot so need to postponed it.I stiil got my RM30 voucher to shop so this saturday my mum will bring me to Metrojaya to spend my Rm 30 voucher.I stiil need to finish my Sivik and Sejarah folio becuse when open school teacher want it or else is 0 marks for the folio. I stiil looking forward towatch movies like:17 again,hannah Montana ,Harry Potter and the half blood prince,transfomers 2 and many more.......I watch Night at the Museum,the storyline quite good,very funny.....and hilarious.Tommorrow is teacher day,don't know wat to buy for teachers......

Yesterday, was labour day~1 may,so we went out to Shop!We went 1 utama and i was texting sue about the badminton thingy.We first went to the crystal shop in 1 utama while I went to popular and sue say she saw Stephanie Meyer new book-The host.I was looking for it but I can't find it but I stil bought a book called Shopaholic went Manhattan.It was a great book I think......and when I went back to the crystal shop ,they stiil not yet done,so I was looking around,the gemstones like moonstone,topaz are really FAB!so precious and nice.After that,we went body shop to get a few things with my mum,the cherry body gel smells great.I went to guardian to get a bottle of mineral water to quench my thirst.I also went to Speedy to look out for some albums...and I saw TALYOR SWIFT album but in the end I didn't bought because not enough money.We went vincci to and the women there shop like crazy women.My aunt bought a pair of sandals in blue awesome.I was walking through WC and i thought buying presents for Sue but I thought I buy it next week.Her birthday is on next week......10 better buy her presents...ha ha.We also went to parkson to see some wine glass.....or something like this....I sa Iphone also and I went to go and was so awesome...I ffeel that I was meiting on the ground......AAAAAAAAA
Next day~Saturday
I woke up at 8:30 am.My anties thought that we can make our own western breakfast,so we did it.We have baked bean,toasted bread , tastes good man!I like it.After that,we went to see the movie wolverine was a little bit violence but it was good.Hugh Jackman was so "yeng" with the spears in his hands.It was a great movie after all.Sue texted me see if I want to go and play badminton but I was tired so I never go.I think she is a little bit of angry,sorry ..........I really felt tired.....very sorry.