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*{Life-Long Diaries}*

Greetings to my fellow friends!I am the one and Only Caryn in the whole wide world! :D

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holiday life!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It has been a long time since I post up articles.Feeling no mood to write.I went to Singapore this holiday.
Singapore-Orchard Road
The place there is amazing!There are so many people there and I so many lightnings but the whole road is so congested.I also went to Kokuiniya to buy books because my uncle is paying.I saw twilight dolls,it is so cute.The doll is muce more handsome than Robbert Pattinson.Took couple of pictures and went home
Jurong Point
SALES!bought many cheap things there.Although their money is bigger than MAlaysia,but things there is much more cheaper
Singapore is amazing I want to go there again!

Shanghai,Suzhou Wuxi Wuzhen Nanjing Hangzhou
belive it or not I went to all of these places .It is so tiring,everyday in the bus travelling.I fell sick on the last day.Luckily it is the last day.I kept vomitting in the flight ,the air crew is good.She gave pill to eat,i was better.

watch many great movies too
new moon ,alvin and the chipmunks and many more
p/s I've watch new moon twice

xoxo,Gossip Girl.

writtern @4:12 AM

New Moon
Friday, November 27, 2009

We finally made it to watch new moon!me and sue qing!It is so hard to get the tickets for new moon. My mum call everyone that have connection with the cinema.Thanks to her,,my mum book the whole row in the cinema.Unfortunately,a lot people I invite cannot go.I actually quite disappointed because only Sue Qing going.We went around Sunway Pyramid about 10:30am.Guess who I saw at the cinema?YQ!He is looking at the box office and his mother is buying the tickets.Sue expected that but not I.I don't know whether he saw us or not.The movie is great.I like it........why love cannot be as easy as that ......just falling in love when first sight.Wake up!Reality is so hard to maintain a relationship.Almost every Twi-hard fan has ended up comparing their boyfriends/husbands with Edward Cullen. This is possibly the main reason why guys hate Twilight to no end. Edward depicts the absolute perfect man – strong, powerful, chivalrous and sincerely in love – someone quite impossible to find, yet Twi-hard fans scour the world for him.I think this is so funny.It's the fact........I want a boyfriend like Edward........ha ha
When the movie come to the last part,Edward says to BElla:"Will you marry me?"It is so touching,I wanted a relationship like this but it is impossible.
There a 4 people I admired in this world
  • 1.Taylor Swift for her wonderful music
  • 2.Stephanie Meyer & J.K Rowling for their wild imagination(YOU guys ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • 3.Godma
  • 4.friends like Ling Jie,Sue Qing,Joanne(ask me why!)


Caryn Chin

writtern @3:31 AM

HOLIDAYS start with.......
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My whole family went back to my hometown-Malacca.I like going back to my hometown.Going back there means=eating good food there.I arrived at Malacca 9am on Saturday.First,we went to ate breakfast at Saturday Ice Cafe. That cafe is open since my father schooling time.The boss there know my whole family.Then,My mother bring me to Bee Loon to buy my baju kurung.My mum say the Bee Loon uniforms are good quality.I wonder how I look like when i wear baju kurung.:)I also didn't forget to visit my cousin-Xiao Shi Xian.She's a 'jiak quek hua quek'means a double faced person in hainanese.My family optician is Mr.Chan.We also go there for eye problems.My right eye power rise up until 555.OMG! There 's a surprise for people out there!I enjoy eating the rest of the day until Sunday.We also went to Dataran Palawan for window shopping.Malacca is more advanced now,there's Big Apple donutnuts,karaoke.......and more.
Happy Birthday ,Yi Huan!
I survived guitar class today.It is so stressful.....but I will overcome with it.Holidays are time for relaxing.I hope this friday will be a success for NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!
New Moon rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

writtern @5:04 AM

Past Week Diaries & Ageing
Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm officaly learning guitar now!.Guitar lesson is fun sometimes if I know the notes.I'm really a loser when it comes to seeing notes.Recently my mood is very bad,moody,teary.Guitar is always thweone to comfort me and brightens me up my day.I feel happy when I hear my favorite songs or music.Fortnight ago,Pn.Sangeetha humilated us(1 Doritis) infront of all Form 1 and Form 2.1 Doritis is not talking.It was 1 Helcia and 1 Eria talking when assembly.Why 1 Doritis is involved?We are called to sit at the corner.This is the 1st time I've beenhumilated infront of the whole school.Why life must be like this?

I am ageing .Didn't you realise it? My birthday was on Friday.That is the day our suffering begin.suffering= exam.Everybody in the school wished me.That day was my lucky day.I received a CHANEL'5 keychain from SUE,a sheep cup from CY,Asurprise from YAN & SUE,flower holder from JOANNE,book from ANNIE & JENNY,2 angpaus from my GODMA AND MAMA,Japenese cuisine from FAMILY.

Thank YOu!Guys!You are the best


writtern @4:08 AM

Mooncake /lantern festival
Sunday, October 4, 2009

It was a Sunday-4-10-2009,when we celebrated our festival.I go Eunice's house at 6pm and i saw everyone's there including Lyanne,Ling Jie,Nafieq,Siti Adibah,Zhe Xuen,yo bo-Grace,darling-Jess Lynn,Michell Chok and Joanne.We bring our stuff to the playground near Eunice's house.After 15 minutes,everyone we invite came,we took a couple of pictures,I was joking that we are the celebrities of Hollywood.First,Jess Lynn and Yo bo wanted to open the sparking juice but instead the boys opened it.We started our party and everyone start eating and drinking.There was a shortage of cups and it was my fault because I shuold have bring more.That day was also Michelle Tham birthday so we use the pizzas as cake and we sing Happy Birthday to her .The pizzas and the drinks are also running out.After eating,we play the gangster game and we get to hit Ling Jie.We also plat the hold hands game.I was holding Nafieq hand and the boys started saying Nicholas name again.I was so sick of the rumour saying that I like him.SICK!We played the parcel game too.Nafieq slap Bootie Lok in the game and the slap was very hard.serves him right!Lastly,the lantern parade.We walk in the neighbourhood like we are walikng in the zoo because the house there were so big and beautiful like castle.I went back at 10:30pm.I was so tired and my legs are sore.It was fun!!!!!!!

Caryn Chin

writtern @8:06 PM

Matthew holy commuinion
Thursday, September 17, 2009

How could Kanye west insult my idol!I will ban him for my entire life!Luckily,he said sorry for that,if not I will belasah him!(XD)

Last sunday,was my brother first Holy Communion.It's actually a Eucharist sacrament to receive when you are standard 4.There are some pictures to see my brother.Another good news is I am learning guitar after the exam.WOO-HOO RULES!I am going to learn acoustic type.

writtern @6:48 AM

Summer is over! October is coming
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Time fly!Summer is finally over,actually there are no summer in MalaysiA but anyway summer is over.This year summer,there are few things that happen: 1.There are a big fight between LJ and Sue but luckily I and Joanne solve it.2.I went Sunway Laggon with my 3 best friends for summer.3.I think i am growing up into teenagers.4.i didn't sweat when I talk to boys this year(I am shy)5.I straighten my hair 6.Grace is turning more and more prettier this year.7.MJ dies I also watched a lot of movies this year like:1)Confessions of a shopaholic 2)up 3)Harry Potter 4)Tranfomers 5)X-men 6.The proposal 7.17 again 8.Night at the museum 2 9.Hannah Montana:the movie 10.I can't think of movies i watched this year.It's a great year.I have many new friends,I feel happy for everyone.Ching yi b'day is just around the corner.I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CY!I always wiil be your friends forever!

Caryn 6/9/2009

writtern @10:15 PM